2011 Consultancy Opportunities- Trainer needed- Public Policy Influencing



 General Information

The Non State Actors Support Programme (NSA-NET) is a part of the European Union (EU) support to the Governance and Democratisation Sector in Kenya and is funded under the ninth European Development Fund (EDF IX). The Programme is premised on the Government of Kenya commitment to work with all the sectors towards realising the overall objective of Vision 2030, which is “a globally competitive and prosperous country with a high quality of life by the year 2030”. The programme will specifically support the achievement of the political pillar of Vision 2030, which seeks to achieve a democratic political system that is issue-based, people-centred, result-oriented and accountable to the public”. The programme builds on the achievements of an earlier EC funded programme entitled Democratic Governance Support Programme (DGSP) which was implemented from 2003 to 2006.

The NSA – NET Support Programme is organising a policy processes and effective policy influencing training workshop as a part of its technical assistance to NSAs component. The four days workshop is expected to impart knowledge and skills in policy making processes and how NSAs can effectively influence public policy. The workshop targets to reach 25 participants drawn from the NSAs and cultural actors funded under the NSA – NET Support Programme.

1  Global objective

The global objective of this assignment is contribute to the capacity building of funded NSAs and their networks to effectively engage in advocacy and policy influencing in a credible, legitimate and accountable way.

2       Specific objective

The specific objective of this assignment is to train selected staff of NSAs and their networks on policy development process and effective policy influencing within the changing political environment in Kenya.

To download the full terms of reference for the training consultant- Click here


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About Me

10 years experience enhancing donor-funded partner organizations’ capacities in strategic planning, financial, administrative, organizational and programming management. Skilled in donor partner organizational assessments and partner capacity building. A 10 years experience in managing development donor-funded projects in the thematic areas of poverty-reduction, governance and democracy, conflict transformation and integration of Gender, Justice and Peace issues into mainstream programs (HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Emergency)

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