2011 Opportunities at Forum Syd- Baseline Survey Consultant

Purpose of ToR-  Consultancy to conduct a baseline study for the Tushirikishe Jamii Project (a social accountability project)

Deadline for submission- 21 March 2011

Objectives of the Baseline Survey
         To provide information for planning the project, including information about nature of governance of constituency development initiatives in Kenya; and specifically looking at the 6 focus constituencies. ( looking at both the demand and supply side)
        To provide information on the status of community participation especially the target group in the constituency development initiatives in the target constituencies.
        To provide benchmark information for measuring project achievements and impact (at the project objectives, intermediate results levels)
        To provide information on the number of civil society/youth groups actively engaged in issues of citizen participation in good governance in the target
        To identify benchmarks and indicators which can be used as a point of reference for monitoring and evaluation of the Tushirikishe Jamii project
        To  review current  monitoring and evaluation tools identify gaps and clear indicators for the Tushirikishe Jamii project
  • To review the LFA with inclusion of baseline and targets


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10 years experience enhancing donor-funded partner organizations’ capacities in strategic planning, financial, administrative, organizational and programming management. Skilled in donor partner organizational assessments and partner capacity building. A 10 years experience in managing development donor-funded projects in the thematic areas of poverty-reduction, governance and democracy, conflict transformation and integration of Gender, Justice and Peace issues into mainstream programs (HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Emergency)

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