"The Social Network" a movie about Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder

At 26, Mark Zuckerberg, one of the founders of Facebook, is American's youngest billionaire with an estimated fortune of $6.9 billion.
His biggest expenditure to date has been $100 million grant that he gave as part of his philanthropy to improve public education in Newark, New Jersey.  The funds will be used to start a new foundation called  Start up: Education

A film entitled " The Social Network"  that premiered on September 24, 2010 at the New York Film Festival however shows a different persona. In the movie, he is painted as a backstabbing college student who betrayed friends and partners to assert control over Facebook.

Pre-order the CD here... The Social Network

Comments on the movie and story welcome.
Review the "The Social Scientist" here 


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10 years experience enhancing donor-funded partner organizations’ capacities in strategic planning, financial, administrative, organizational and programming management. Skilled in donor partner organizational assessments and partner capacity building. A 10 years experience in managing development donor-funded projects in the thematic areas of poverty-reduction, governance and democracy, conflict transformation and integration of Gender, Justice and Peace issues into mainstream programs (HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Emergency)

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