2011 Call for proposals- 2012 Grants and funds for strengthening Civil Society
Granting org Norwegian Embassy
Title of Program; Strengthening Civil Society Program
Country: Serbia
Deadline: October 15 2011
The Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade is seeking applications for grants aimed at Strengthening Civil Society Program in Serbia (SCS-Serbia). The SCS-Serbia program aims for social and political development in Serbia by strengthening participation of the people of Serbia. The program intends to achieve this goal through advocacy work and monitoring of political and public institutions’ performance.
The objectives of SCS-Serbia are:
- Supporting initiatives that will contribute to improvement of the situation in the selected priority areas
- Strengthening the capacity and competence of civil society Organizations to conduct advocacy and fulfil their role as watchdogs of public priorities, performance and reform
Priority Areas
- Security sector and justice sector reform
- Environment and climate change
- Minority rights
Priority areas will be given advantage in the selection process but the support will not be limited to these areas.
The SCS aims at contributing to gender equity in the Western Balkans, both through mainstreaming of gender issues and gender specific programs and projects. Funded partners should pursue gender equality in all project related activities. This aim is expected to be realized through active recruitment strategies and gender perspectives, both in the administration and implementation of projects.
Minority representation
The SCS aims at contributing to enhance minority participation. Funded partners should pursue minority inclusion in all program related activities. This aim is expected to be realized through active recruitment strategies, both in the administration and implementation of the project, and formation of partnerships.
Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) with permanent residency in Serbia are eligible to apply. The Organization may be national, regional or international. Regional and international Organizations may apply under the same conditions as national Organizations, but will have to legitimize their added value to attaining the aim and objectives of SCS in relation to national Organizations.
Organizations consisting of representatives of the target group, as well as Organizations working on behalf of the target group are eligible to apply for support. Organizations working on behalf of the target group will have to elaborate on the inclusion and participation of the target group in the proposed project(s).
Last date for submitting the applications is October 15, 2011.
2012 EU funds- Call for proposals
EU Call for proposals from CSOs in Croatia
Deadline for submission of Concept Notes: Nov 29 2011
Minimum Amount: EUR 50,000
Maximum Amount: EUR 180, 000
EU call for proposals from CSO’s to promote and monitor equal opportunities and non-discrimination related policies in Croatia
EU has issued a restricted call for proposals aimed at supporting CSOs’ to promote and monitor equal opportunities and non-discrimination related policies in the Republic of Croatia.
Program Objectives
The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to consolidate the cooperation between public sector and civil society organizations in the Republic of Croatia in the process of implementation of non-discrimination and equal opportunities policy.
The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to enhance the impact of Croatian CSOs through their involvement in non-discrimination and equal opportunities policies whose implementation require further development and upgrading of civil dialogue, as well as stronger active contribution of civil society actors to the full meeting of political criteria for EU membership, namely in the field of comprehensive antidiscrimination strategy.
- Building capacities of the CSOs for quality cooperation with the public sector in the context of their engagement in democratization, human rights, non-discrimination and equal opportunities initiatives;
- Development, further improvement and/or implementation of cooperation between CSOs and public entities in the field of democratization and protection of human rights, through the promotion of principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities;
- Public awareness raising on prevention and dealing with the cases of discrimination and violation of human rights.
In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:
- be legal persons and
- be non-profit making and
- be non-governmental organizations or formal networks of non-governmental organizations of the following legal status: associations, business associations, trade unions and foundations, and
- be nationals of a Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Economic Area, Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, including Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99 as well as of other countries eligible under Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 31st July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary
Note. This is a restricted Call for Proposals. In the first instance, only Concept Notes must be submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, applicants whose Concept Notes have been pre-selected will be invited to submit a Full Application Form.
Last date for submission of concept notes is November 29, 2011
Call for Proposals from Developing Countries from the Nordic Climate Facility (NCF)
2012 funding opportunities for Climate Change
Grant Amounts: 250,000 to 500,000 EUR
Project duration: less than 24 months
Every year, NFC calls for innovative proposals comprising specific themes related to climate change.
Nordic Climate Facility (NCF) is the group dedicated towards combating climate change and reducing poverty in low-income countries. NCF gets financial support from Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and is helped by Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) in implementation of its projects in developing countries.
NCF encourages and promotes technological innovation in areas susceptible to climate change such as: energy, transport, water and sanitation, health, agriculture, forestry as well as other areas related to natural resource management. Once every year, NCF calls for innovative proposals comprising specific themes related to climate change. The best proposals may receive grant financing amounting to between 250,000 and 500,000 euro, or, in exceptional circumstances, between 150,000 and 250,000 euro. The projects should have an implementation period of less than 24 months.
Main Themes
NFC call for proposals are mainly around two main themes: adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
1. Climate change adaptation proposals may be related to issues such as, rising sea levels, threats to water and agricultural resources as well as to overall human welfare.
2. Climate mitigation proposals can comprise efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by utilizing energy efficiency technologies, substituting fossil fuels for environmentally-sound renewable sources, and carbon sequestration. The climate change themes vary each year.
Since 2009 when the first call for proposals was issued, a total of EUR 12 Million has been granted to 26 organizations. The first call for proposals theme in 2009 focused on water and energy efficiency while the second call for proposals theme was urban adaptation and renewable energy. The third call for proposal scheduled for October 2011 will have a similar allocation of EUR 6 million.
The theme for the 2011 call for proposals which will be launched in late October is “Innovative low-cost climate solutions with focus on local business development.” The theme encourages business development and business opportunities which provide goods and services that will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and facilitate climate change adaptation. A strong positive development impact, in addition to expected climate change benefits, is expected from successful applicants.
Eligibility for NCF Oct 2011 call for proposals
The applicant must be an active institution, organization, company or authority holding a registered place of operations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden with relevant experience. The applicant may have one or more partner(s).
The applicant’s average annual audited turnover for the past two years must exceed the NCF funding applied for. In case the applicant alone cannot fulfill this requirement, the applicant is allowed to be supported, on a joint and several basis by another Nordic institution, organization, or company. The applicant shall have an eligible local partner in an eligible country where the project is proposed to be implemented.
The third call for proposals will be published on NDFs and NEFCOs web site by the end of October 2011.
International Consultancy Opportunity- Development of a Climate Change Policy in Uganda
Deadline for submission: Tuesday, 11 October, 4 pm local time
Brief overview
The Ugandan government under the Ministry of Water and Environment in conjunction with the Belgian Development Agency in Uganda has issued a call for proposals for consultancy services under Belgo-Ugandan Study and Consultancy Fund for development of a climate change policy for Uganda.
The policy will be developed by a team of experts that will be individually recruited under two different funding. One international consultant will also be recruited who will get support of six national counterparts with expertise in different areas.
Purpose of the Consultancy
The recently adopted regional climate change policy for the East African Community
(EAC) urges member countries to develop country policies, which are consistent with the regional policy to ensure harmonized action within the EAC region.
The purpose of the consultancy is to develop a climate change policy and a comprehensive draft implementation strategy for Uganda, with emphasis on Uganda. While clearly linking to the EAC Policy, it is essential that the Uganda Climate Change Policy be embedded in the specific contexts and realities of the country.
The consultancy will collect data/information, analyze, validate and interpret the information to support the development of a climate change policy and comprehensive draft, budgeted implementation strategy. The team of consultants will identify overall policy goal, objectives to realize the goal and identify key policy actions in key natural resources, ecosystems and socio-economic sectors to achieve the policy objectives.
Expertise needed
International Consultants
- International Consultant (Policy Development) - Team Leader (80 days)
- International Consultant – Climate Change Expert (60 days)
National Consultants
- Policy Analyst- (60 days)
- Environment and Climate Change Specialist- (60 days)
- Climate Change Adaptation Consultant- (60 days)
- Climate Change Mitigation Consultant- (60 days)
Terms of Reference for the Consultancy on Development of a Climate Change Policy and Implementation Strategy for Uganda
2012 call for Proposals from NGOs in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin America - AusAID
Latest call for proposals- Human Rights Grants Scheme
Organization The Australian Agency for International Development
Deadline October 14 2011
Max grants 100,000 AUD
Min grants 20,000 AUD
Eligible countries: organizations must be based in these countries
1. Africa: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia Malawi, Morocco, South Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe
2. Middle East: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian territories
3. Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
4. Pacific: Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,
5. Latin America and Caribbean: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Cuba, Haiti
The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is now open to accepting applications for the Human Rights Grants Scheme (HRGS). The Scheme provides funding opportunity to organizations involved in building the capacity of organizations in developing countries to promote and protect human rights in direct and tangible ways.
It is expected that most projects will be for a one year duration, but some projects may take place over a maximum of two years. All 1 year projects must be completed by July 2013. All two year project must be completed by July 2014.
There is one-step application process where all applicants need to submit the full proposal only once. It is also important that before submitting a full applications, organizations should first contact the relevant Australian diplomatic post to discuss the proposed activity.
The deadline to submit proposals is 14 October 2011.
Latest Job Opportunities at Futures Group, Kenya office
Futures Group Profile
Established in 1971, Futures Group develops and delivers innovative, locally relevant, evidence-based solutions to improve the health and well being of people around the world. We assist governmental and non-governmental agencies, foundations, and the private sector by designing, implementing and evaluating programs in HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, population and family planning, maternal and child health, infectious diseases, and gender. Futures Group has deep expertise in policy and advocacy, research and strategic information, health markets and private sector engagement, modeling and economic analysis, patient monitoring and management/HMIS, strategic consulting, and program management.
Position Summary
The Strategic Information Associates will be responsible for automating collection and reporting of Health Information at LPTFs and delivering supportive supervision, monitoring and evaluation, and performance reporting.
Position 1
Position: Strategic Information Associate
Location: Central Kenya
Duration: One year (renewable)
Application deadline: 7th October 2011
Position 2
Position: Strategic Information Associate
Location: Mombasa
Duration: 5 months (mid-September 2011 to end of Feb 2012) renewable on a year to year basis
Application deadline: 7th October 2011
9:26 AM | Labels: 2011 job vacancies in East Africa, latest job opportunities in Kenya, NGO jobs in Kenya | 0 Comments
2012 Funding and grants opportunity for Kenya
Call for Expression of Interest for establishing and operating a Climate Innovation Centre in Kenya
Organization InfoDev
Deadline October 24 2011
InfoDev is a program that was started by the World Bank in association with DANIDA and UKAid. The main purpose behind establishing the centre is to provide a country-driven approach to climate change and support he local government in the Greening Kenya Initiative.
The CIC will be designed and operated in accordance with the business plan already established for the Center through an extensive stakeholder engagement process. The business plan should be reviewed carefully before submitting an Expression of Interest.
Eligible organizations (universities, research institutes, government agencies, firms, NGOs) or consortiums can submit their proposals. The selected organization or consortium will be responsible for all aspects of the CIC establishment and operations including securing appropriate facilities, identifying a world-class management team, providing the services and programs described in the business plan, ensuring effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of programs, reporting to infoDev, and ensuring in all ways the long-term sustainability of the CIC
Evaluation Criteria
- Capabilities to build and manage complex organizations, including strong internal governance frameworks and a track record of fiduciary responsibility and accountability.
- Proven ability to attract and build a strong team of individuals for project implementation.
- Understanding of the needs of climate technology SMEs in Kenya or similar contexts, including experience evaluating climate technologies and incubating early-stage businesses.
- Strong local and international links with potential partners including climate technology firms, investors, technical and business experts, policy experts, and leading research and development organizations.
- Ability to leverage existing and additional sources of funding, both cash and in-kind, such as space, equipment, and staff
- Ability to implement and maintain procurement and financial management processes and a comprehensive M&E strategy.
- Based on responses to this request for EOI, a shortlist of applicants will be established and invited to submit a full technical and financial proposal based on a detailed request for proposals.
2012 Funds for NGOs/CSOs in Climate Change
Latest research funds for climate compatible development
Organization Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
Deadline October 24 2011
Maximum amount of grants £500,000 (with exceptional projects can be awarded up to £1, 100,000)
Funded by the British and Dutch Governments, the Climate and Development Knowledge Network supports decision-makers in designing and delivering climate compatible development. CDKN supports CSOs and other non state actors in research, advisory services and knowledge management nationally, regionally and globally.
CDKN latest call for research proposals is aimed at supporting the best social science research with clear links to, and direct impact on international and national efforts to deliver climate compatible development.
Themes under this call for proposals
· Climate Compatible Development – policies and processes
· Climate-related Disaster Risk Management and Resilience
Research areas on climate compatible development
· Designing and delivering climate compatible development
· Decision paths, tools and processes for climate compatible development
· Low Carbon Policies on Development and Growth
Research areas for climate-relate disaster risk management and resilience
· Design of disaster risk management systems
· Disaster responses that build resilience
· Risk financing leading to risk reduction
More information about this call for proposal and CDKN funds and grants visit this link.
2012 funds and grants for CSOs in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Pacific, Latin America
Latest call for proposals- Human Rights Grants Scheme
Organization The Australian Agency for International Development
Deadline October 14 2011
Max grants 100,000 AUD
Min grants 20,000 AUD
Eligible countries: organizations must be based in these countries
1. Africa: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia Malawi, Morocco, South Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe
2. Middle East: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian territories
3. Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
4. Pacific: Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,
5. Latin America and Caribbean: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Cuba, Haiti
The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is now open to accepting applications for the Human Rights Grants Scheme (HRGS). The Scheme provides funding opportunity to organizations involved in building the capacity of organizations in developing countries to promote and protect human rights in direct and tangible ways.
It is expected that most projects will be for a one year duration, but some projects may take place over a maximum of two years. All 1 year projects must be completed by July 2013. All two year project must be completed by July 2014.
There is one-step application process where all applicants need to submit the full proposal only once. It is also important that before submitting a full applications, organizations should first contact the relevant Australian diplomatic post to discuss the proposed activity.
The deadline to submit proposals is 14 October 2011.
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About Me
- Social Scientist
- 10 years experience enhancing donor-funded partner organizations’ capacities in strategic planning, financial, administrative, organizational and programming management. Skilled in donor partner organizational assessments and partner capacity building. A 10 years experience in managing development donor-funded projects in the thematic areas of poverty-reduction, governance and democracy, conflict transformation and integration of Gender, Justice and Peace issues into mainstream programs (HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Emergency)